Oral cancer screenings save lives. According to the , oral cancer is responsible for approximately 9,750 American deaths per year.
While this disease can be deadly, it’s highly treatable when caught early. Regular dental exams are essential for identifying signs of oral cancer.
Here’s what our dentists want you to know.
Symptoms of Oral Cancer
Oral cancer doesn’t always present outward symptoms, which is why it’s so dangerous. Many of the early signs can be mistaken for other conditions, such as a cavity or the common cold.
that our family dentists can detect include:- Bleeding gums
- Lumps or swelling in the mouth or neck
- White or red patches
- Pain in the teeth, mouth, jaw, or neck
- Sores that don’t heal on their own
- Difficulty chewing, swallowing, or moving the jaw or tongue
If you have any of these oral cancer symptoms, it’s important to call our dentists right away to make an appointment for an oral exam. Don’t brush off your symptoms or wait for them to go away on their own. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. An oral cancer screening could save your life!
What Are Oral Cancer Screenings?
Oral cancer screenings are a routine part of your regular dental exam and teeth cleaning. Our dentists will use a variety of methods to assess whether any of the above oral cancer symptoms are present in your mouth. They will feel the inside of your mouth to check for lumps and will thoroughly examine your oral cavity.
Request an Appointment With Us
If you have any symptoms of oral cancer, it’s important to call our office right away. Our family dentists in Novi, MI, will thoroughly check your mouth for early signs of the disease. Give our office a call at (248) 347-3700 to make your appointment today.